Saga Volume 3
And so the Saga continues, and actually takes some big steps forward. Well, maybe not big steps. But steps nonetheless. First, though, it backs up. The ending of the second volume jumped forward a week or so in order to end on a cliffhanger. This volume goes back to see how everyone ended up in place for that cliffhanger and spends time building up some relationships that make it even more tragic. It was those relationships that were at the center of this volume, with everyone finding love in the "wrong" place, mirroring Alana and Marko's relationship and beginning to pave the way for Heist's utopia. First we're introduced to a couple of gay reporters who have been exiled from their home world for pursuing a relationship with each other. Then we begin to see the early stages of Gwendolyn and The Will's attachment and Klara's growing feelings for Heist just weeks after the death for her husband. There are hints that none of this ends parti...