The Shadow Rising
The fourth book in the Wheel of Time series took a really long time to get going. Everyone starts out in the same place, trying to figure out what they're going to do next. And it takes nearly 200 pages for the various groups to head out and become interesting again. Thankfully, the back half of the book was so good I actually considered calling in sick to work so I could spend all day reading it. The book ultimately breaks off into three different plots. Perrin and Faile head to Two Rivers to deal with the Trollocs and Whitecloaks there. Elayne and Nynaeve take off to Tanchico in search of the Black Ajah, with Thom the Gleeman in tow. And everyone else heads in to the Aiel waste. Perrin's adventures in Two Rivers, growing into a general and falling in love with Faile, take up the bulk of the book. Initially I wasn't happy with this story. Faile is an incredibly frustrating character, and she and Perrin have some serious communication issues. But they figure them out ...