The Hand of Oberon

At this point in the series there are so many lies and half-truths and shifting alliances that it's getting exhausting. No sooner do we learn what someone did and why then it's revealed that half of what they said was a lie. It's getting easier to root for Corwin, if only because he's the only character whose motivations are wholly revealed to the audience.

I'm bored by these books at this point. But the ten-book series is actually two five-book series. And the next book, the last in this arc, is less than 100 pages long. So I'll finish it. Then I'll take a break and see if I care enough to try the second series. Which is about a different character and sounds like it might be about something different. And is called Trumps of Doom, which is such an appealing title right now.

For now I just can't bring myself to care about Corwin and his family and whether or not they win. I want more from my fantasy. More characterization, more intricate worlds. Not a heap of twists and turns and betrayals and cliffhangers that serve no more purpose than keeping you hanging until the next installment.

Zelazny may be the giant on whose shoulders stand many of my favorite authors. But that bit farther that they were able to see seems to make all the difference to me.


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