The Sharing Knife: Legacy

The second Sharing Knife book picks up mere hours after the first one ends, and then it takes a while to get started. A lot of that is probably due to the fact that the book was split up in separate installments to sell better. But it works out alright if you read them back to back. And when the action finally does kick in, it's well worth the wait.

This pick, as I expected, picks up and ties off most of the threads that were left dangling at the end of the previous book. Fawn's family has been mollified, but there's still the issue of Dag's family. Fawn and Dag are firmly a couple at this point, so there's less courtship and more stability between them. Which means a bit less excitement. Which means that it's time for the monsters to come back. And Fawn can use all the stuff she learned in the previous book to save the day.

There's a lot of fun world building in this book. A lot of characters working at cross purposes to either uphold the status quo (which has no room for Dag and Fawn) or find a better way of doing things (so the malices don't ultimately destroy the world). It's an enjoyable summer read, with some action and some romance. Perfect for the foggy, sleep-deprived brain I have right now.


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