Green Rider

In December I suddenly found myself craving epic fantasy. I re-watched all three Lord of the Rings movies on Hulu, and I was seriously considering re-reading The Wheel of Time. But then I remembered that I had this other, much shorter and new-to-me series on my shelf, where it had been sitting for nearly two years. So I finally picked it up.

Green Rider was everything I wanted it to be and more. It mostly follows Karigan, who has just been suspended from school and is heading home when she gets caught up in a magical adventure. She finds herself in possession of magical powers she doesn't understand, relentlessly pursued by enemies she wasn't expecting, and suddenly wishing she'd paid more attention to history and current events.

The story is exciting, and things happened much more quickly than I was expecting. But that propulsive plot didn't detract from the incredible world or rich characters. I loved Karigan's discovery of this world, and Britain did an excellent job of balancing excitement with exposition.

I'm so excited to dive the rest of the way into this series. It was everything I wanted it to be and more, and I hope the rest of he books continue in the same vein.


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